ISTA Forum 2019
Pregis’ Clint Smith will be speaking at the ISTA Forum in Denver, Colorado May 13- 16 2019.
The current labor availability and retention challenges are impacting the importance of effective and consistent on boarding practices – particularly in high-turnover fulfillment positions. Makes sense right…the faster new employees get “up to speed” the quicker they deliver value to the business. From a packaging design standpoint, how do we bring our creations in the lab to life on the production floor, fulfillment center, or across multiple locations?
As we all know, we can create the best package in a lab but if it is not assembled/fulfilled correctly, damages and other negative customer experiences can quickly add up. In this segment, we will take a look at using Virtual Reality (VR) to decrease the new employee learning curve, bring lab designs to the production environment, and create a training platform that ensures repeatability across multiple locations.