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eBook: Right-Sizing: Where Protection and Function Intersect

Overpacking is a widespread issue across industries, particularly in ecommerce, where businesses often rely on a one-size fits all box approach to package products. From unnecessary waste to excessive costs and negative brand experiences, the drawbacks of overpacking are pervasive.

right-sizing-cover.jpgIn this eBook

A thoughtfully implemented right-sizing strategy can address all the concerns laid out, and proactively benefit a company’s brand and bottom line. Determining the right approach for your business is a matter of identifying exactly how much protection your products need in order to A) survive their journey B) provide the customer experience you're looking for and C) fit within your operations environment.

Once you’ve then evaluated which material will allow your business to reach its operational and sustainability goals—you’ve found the right-sizing approach that’s right for you.

Why Right-Sizing Matters

As companies embrace right-sizing, they’re not only enhancing customer satisfaction and brand perception but also contributing to global environmental efforts by reducing waste and GHG emissions Right-sized packaging is key to balancing many of these factors throughout this evolving market.

Whether you’re seeking overall cost savings or you want an approach that includes curbside recyclable products, Pregis has a solution for you.

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