React Root Component
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Engineering sustainable growth through

paper-based mailer converting line solutions.



Engineering Full Potential





The engineering minds that shaped the modern mailing market bring you the next generation of paper-based converting technology, currently utilized by many of the industry’s leading authorities. We’re focused on pushing the limits of what can be achieved for converter-based needs and opportunities. Machines? By design. Technical muscle? On demand. Driving better output, better ROI, everywhere.



From assembly to installation, testing and refinement, and expertly leading training protocols, we assure system-wide integration for technology and teams. Keeping a sharp focus on optimization so your processes thrive.



Our technology combines the proven infrastructure and ecosystem needed to turn sub-optimal into full potential. When it comes to paper, we build equipment solutions ready to evolve ie., updates and modularity. Supporting business demands today, adapting for growth and expansion tomorrow.

Putting the ‘Ability’ in Sustainability


Driven by Sustainable Innovation

Committed to “Pregis2k30,” we design with sustainability in mind. Catalyzing a new age of Earth tech, we make viable curbside manufacturing possible. From consumers to corporations alike our machinery gives everyone the ability to hit their goals, with higher yield and support for a circular economy.


Pushing Businesses Forward

Staying in touch with what businesses want, and need; tackling ever-present industry challenges while providing an expert response to the here and now - and the future. That’s why our baseline technology is modular, with room for upgrades. We ensure kinetic solutions that scale with your objectives and consumer demands.

What’s Your “Go-Forward”?